BMS 6th Grade GT Math Game On Project “prototypes”!!!
almost 2 years ago, Burkburnett ISD
GT Math Game On Project
GT Math Game On Project
GT Math Game On Project
GT Math Game On Project
GT Math Game On Project
GT Math Game On Project
GT Math Game On Project
GT Math Game On Project
GT Math Game On Project
GT Math Game On Project
Thank you Mr. Lindenborn for serving on Overton Ray's Campus today! For more information about Watch Dogs contact your campus.
almost 2 years ago, Burkburnett ISD
Watch Dogs
Penny War Reward Day at Tower! The silly string was flyin'!! Thank you to all our Tower families for your financial support of this fundraiser! The shade cover will be paid in full on March 23rd. Thank you Tower staff and PTO, you ROCK! Thank you to Mrs. Armendarez and Mrs. Whited for being PAWsome Admins!
almost 2 years ago, Burkburnett ISD
Penny WAR
Check out the March 2023 edition of the Bulldog Huddle with Dr. Owen.
almost 2 years ago, Burkburnett ISD
Mark your calendars!! BHS Winter guard is having an Exhibition performance on March 9th @ 7:30pm in the BHS Main Gym.
almost 2 years ago, Burkburnett ISD
BHS Guard
BHS Student 2 Student (S2S) Training Leadership Team had a great morning training Mrs. Hollingsworth's new S2S students at I.C. Evan's. They learned how to welcome all new students and be a good friend to them. #TheBulldogWay #100%Acceptance
almost 2 years ago, Burkburnett ISD
BHS S2S and Overton S2S
Overton Ray StuCo donates stuffed animals to Mr. Woods, aka McGruff.
almost 2 years ago, Burkburnett ISD
Overton Ray StuCo
Our very own Natalee Gray hits her first high school home run in our game against Graham this past weekend. She continues to push past all limits and exceed in everything she does! Way to go Nat! 🐶🧡🖤 #burkburnettBulldogs
almost 2 years ago, Burkburnett ISD
Nat Gray
The BHS boys golf team finished in 2nd place at the Norman Waters Invitational in Nocona, TX yesterday. Cole McAlexander was the overall tournament champion with a score of 81. Great job, guys!
almost 2 years ago, Burkburnett ISD
BHS Golf
CDE season is underway! Super proud of these students for their hard work. Burkburnett FFA competed at both Jacksboro and Wichita Falls today ✨Wichita Falls CDE Contest Applied Ag Engineering ⚡️ 3rd Place Nathan Anderson 3rd overall Brayden Fugate Tyler Skinner Nick Crum ✨Jacksboro CDE Contest Livestock Judgeing 🐂 6th Place Caydance Wilson 9th overall Garrett Bailey Maddie Bailey Ryan Miller Entomology 🪲 7th Place Alivia Grampp Abby Smith Alice Gaylor Kenzie White
almost 2 years ago, Burkburnett ISD
Burkburnett FFA
Spring Break is March 13th to March 17th. We hope you enjoy your week off!
almost 2 years ago, Burkburnett ISD
Spring Break
No School March 10, 2023 it is a bad weather makeup day.
almost 2 years ago, Burkburnett ISD
No School
Cute & awesome story coming your way! Markeshia Jackson got to hang out with the students & P.E. Teachers at I.C. Evans Elementary today to talk about a kindness project they’re all working on! The story will be featured on KFDX.
almost 2 years ago, Burkburnett ISD
KFDX vists IC Evans
This Friday, February 24th, our district will Go Red in support of the American Heart Association to raise awareness for heart disease and stroke! Take photos in your RED and tag the American Heart Association (@american_heart) on social media & use hashtag #DistrictWearRedDay
almost 2 years ago, Burkburnett ISD
District Wear Red Feb. 24th
The postponed basketball games have been rescheduled for tomorrow! Let's fill the gym with fans!!
about 2 years ago, Burkburnett ISD
Rescheduled BB games
All games have been postponed due to weather for tonight, January 24, 2023. We will keep you informed on further updates and when games will be rescheduled.
about 2 years ago, Burkburnett ISD
Postponed Games